It is still so hot that you sweat almost as soon as you step outside the cool air conditioning!
The evenings are starting to get a little cooler, high 60's low 70's instead of 80, which means summer is starting to give way to a change. Seasons change, and with everyone, there is something to look forward to. Summer however, with its lazy days, & bug filled nights, is so hard to let go of. The boys are back in school, a schedule is starting to form with the comings and goings of them and all their friends. Weeknights are quieter at the dilo household. Everyone seems to settle down a little earlier.
I am starting to think about soups and stews. I am a new vegetarian, about a month or so now. It wasn't something I decided, I didn't wake up one morning and say, hmm, I think I'll be a vegetarian, it just sort of happened. So the soups and stews will be new this year, I will have to plan and even study new recipes so I can make feasts that are meat free, but tasty and "normal" enough for the 2 man childs and Husband to eat. Any Ideas will certainly be welcomed!
Wish me Luck!
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