Monday, September 29, 2008

Why are there Squirrels?

Hi there, thanks for the delicious snack
See, I can get to the food no matter what you do!
Watch me jump to that feeder! Are you watching?

Why are there Squirrels? Okay, they are cute, to look at,  but evil is their middle name! They torment my dogs, and my cats, staying just out of their reach and making those noises that remind me of "HA HA you can't get me"  They dig up my flowers, eat the bulbs I plant and get into the Squirrel proof bird feeders! They climb the house, the screens, the railing, anything to get into those feeders! To top it all off, they look at me through the window and laugh at me while eating my most expensive bird seed! I have tried axle grease on the pole that has a feeder on it, thinking they would slide down the pole, NO they climb a tree and jump to the pole right above where the grease ends!!!!! My son Corey says they are geniuses and I cannot out smart them! I read in a gardening magazine that you can put cayenne pepper in your bird seed and they won't eat it, Well not the demonic squirrels that live in our yard, no no no, they eat it anyway! I think they like the spicy flavor! 
So anyone out there that can explain to me WHY there are Squirrels PLEASE explain away!!!!