I started this shawl when we went to NY last month. Its really long and I can wrap myself up and be all cozy and warm in it! I used Plymouth BOKU yarn which is a mostly wool with a bit of silk in it and I just love the colors. I have done nothing but sleep, eat, go to work and knit for the past month! Well I did recover from surgery and had a vicious cold but hey, those were just excuses to knit more. I'm finished so now I can catch up on the house which is in total shambles! Clean and shop and prepare for Thanksgiving! Markie is coming home for 5 whole days! I am in my glory! Adam is coming for dinner on Thanksgiving so I will have my three beautiful boys home with me!
Taryn, however is not coming so I will be alone in the kitchen, but I am NOT complaining! Most of my babies will be here! and Corey is a GREAT baker! I'm sure he'll bake a few pumpkin pies!
Happy Thanksgiving to Y'all