Friday, September 4, 2009

September is Here!!!!

September is one of my favorite months of the year! Why you ask? Well let me tell you. I married my best friend, and soul mate on September 10, 1988. My daughter, my first child, was born in September. Here in the South, the air is not quite as humid, so the windows are open and I can hear the birds, and crickets and even the laughter of the children playing outside!
There are less mosquitos! 
Some evenings it gets chilly enough to brew up some lovely soups & stews in my kitchen, and even though the garden is usually winding down at this time of year, (if of course you do not have a herd of deer coming by each and every night,) you can start thinking about what you are going to do differently next year. 
There are nights to have bon fires and sit in the back yard and enjoy the beautiful stars, chilly enough to cuddle with said soul mate, and even think about knitting something warm to wear!
Even though, I do not like winter, okay I really DO NOT like winter, Fall has always been a time of year I have cherished.

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