Saturday, December 11, 2010

And Winter Begins...

Saturday December 4th, we had our first snow fall. For some reason, this made me excited, like a child, the day before Christmas! I usually do not like snow, well, I think its pretty, I like the stillness and quiet of the snow falling, the beauty of the blanket of white on the trees, but how black the snow gets on the side of the road, the wind that rips through you like a knife, and the awful cold that makes me shiver just to look out the window, that is what I hate about snow.
Ernie and Ruby also prefer to stay inside during snowy days too! Cuddled up together to stay warm. Molly, my precious golden loved the snow, and enjoyed playing outside. These two not so much!
This is the hustle and bustle in my kitchen just moments before we all sit down to dinner! Thanksgiving, everyone helps, thankfully my kitchen is big enough for more than 1 cook at a time! Adam, my chef son, is such a help on these busy days!
Back to the snow story, Mark and I went out to our local Lowes (where we always get our tree) during this winter moment in the south! The snow flakes were huge and it was nice to pick out our tree for once not wearing shorts! We had warm clothes on and of course I was FREEZING!
The finished products!
A weekend inside, and the house and trees are decorated, we are ready to start the holiday season! This year, I am looking forward to this time of year, maybe because we are not doing a ton of shopping this year so there is less busyness and more time to just enjoy the days.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Man Cave

This is our bonus room, when we had the house built, we had the builder leave the bonus room unfinished. It had only the studs.
My Husband Mark, built the entire room! Including the bar, poker table, bar back, and the shelves below the TV to house all the stuff a man cave needs!
We have beer on tap at all times, and plent of liquor!
Needless to say, the boys and their friends have taken over that room to play pool, darts, and video games on the big screen!
So we are party central, and enjoy having people over to hang out! I love this room, because I do not have to clean it! Come on over and sit a spell!