Sunday, October 5, 2008

project red scarf

I've been knitting again, (that really isn't news) but this is a neat project. Some sweet person out there in the land of knitting decided to knit red scarves for foster kids that go on to college. Usually foster kids do not have families that send them care packages. Now, all over the country. people are knitting red scarves to donate. This is mine, the ribbing in the middle of the scarf goes behind your neck and it fits just perfectly w/out any bumps or ripples. The scarves are collected and sent to college kids around Valentines day. 
With my very own sweet son off at college missing his Mommy as much as he does (HA) I thought it would be nice to send something to someone else!
Speaking of Markie, he came home this weekend and he was wearing the socks I knit for him! He likes them and one of his house mates, wants me to knit a pair for him! Ahhh a proud moment for me! He even told me what color! So Graham, your on the long list of socks to knit, but you might want to go buy some socks, it might be a while before i get to yours :)

Mark and I are going to NY this week, we leave on Thursday, I of course am not looking forward to flying, but it will be fun to see the fall colors in NY and buy our favorite wine and yes, shop for YARN! We hope to have time to see some friends, and eat our favorite foods. 
The main reason for going is to help Mark clean out his JUNK at his Mom's house.
so off we go